Results for 'Victor J. Di Fate'

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  1.  72
    Arguing for uniformity: Rethinking lyell's principles of geology.Victor Joseph Di Fate - 2011 - Perspectives on Science 19 (2):136-153.
    Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology is widely regarded as one of the great works of 19th century science, and one of the most influential works in the entire history of the earth sciences. Yet the standard critical interpretation of the Principles makes such high regard and influence look puzzling at best. We are told, for instance, that Lyell’s argument rests on a contentious a priori methodological distinction between scientific and non-scientific explanations, the former featuring observed causes at their present intensities, (...)
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    Achinstein's Newtonian Empiricism.Victor Di Fate - 2011 - In Gregory J. Morgan (ed.), Philosophy of Science Matters: The Philosophy of Peter Achinstein. , US: Oxford University Press.
  3. A preview of the clarendon edition of a Treatise of human nature.David Fate Norton & Mary J. Norton - 2007 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 62 (3):413-447.
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    Andrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi+ 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80. Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white. [REVIEW]Victor Bers, Rachel Bowlby, Claude Calame, Viccy Coltman, Katharina Comoth & Joan Breton Connelly - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (2):345-347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Books ReceivedAndrianou, Dimitra. The Furniture and Furnishings of Ancient Greek Houses and Tombs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. xvi + 213 pp. 24 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $80.Andrisano, Angela Maria, and Paolo Fabbri, eds. La favola di Orfeo: Letteratura, immagine, performance. Ferrara: UnifePress, 2009. 255 pp. 41 black-and-white figs. Paper, €15.Bartsch, Shadi, and David Wray, eds. Seneca and the Self. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ix + 304 pp. 1 (...)
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    Canti VI, Bruto Minore.Giacomo Leopardi & Steven J. Willett - 2019 - Arion 27 (1):165-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Canti VI, Bruto Minore GIACOMO LEOPARDI (Translated by Steven J. Willett) To Peter Green After Italian Valor, lying in Thracian dust an immense ruin, had been uprooted, then in the valleys of green Hesperia, on Tiber’s shore, Fate prepares the tramp of barbarian horse, and from naked forests oppressed by the freezing Bear, calls forth the Gothic swords to overthrow Rome’s renowned walls; sitting alone, soaked in (...)
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    Sabotaged: Dreams of Utopia in Texas by James Pratt.Carl J. Guarneri - 2021 - Utopian Studies 32 (3):679-681.
    Languishing in exile after Louis Napoleon's coup d'état of December 1851 shut down socialist agitation, the followers of the utopian theorist Charles Fourier turned their attention to the New World as an "asylum" where Fourierism's communal ideals might be realized. In so doing they joined a long line of utopian dreamers who saw the young United States as a promised land of free expression and social experimentation. The head of the French Fourierists, Victor Considerant, made contacts with the remnant (...)
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    Predicting ethical values and training needs in ethics.Victor J. Callan - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (10):761 - 769.
    Two hundred and twenty-six state employees completed a structured questionnaire that investigated their ethical values and training needs. Top management were more likely to have attitudes against cronyism and giving advantage to others. Individuals higher in the organizational hierarchy, and female employees were more likely to believe that discriminatory practices were an ethical concern. In addition, employees with a larger number of clients outside of the organization were more supportive of the need to maintain strict confidentiality in business dealings. Employees'' (...)
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  8. (1 other version)The fallacy of fine tuning.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    Many theists regard the claim that certain fundamental constants of nature are fine-tuned for life as the best scientific argument for the existence of God since Paley’s watch. Even atheist physicists find these so-called “anthropic coincidences” difficult to explain naturally and many think they need to invoke multiple universes and the so-called “anthropic principle” to do so. Certainly if there are many universes, fine-tuning is simple. Our universe is not fine-tuned for life. Life is fine-tuned to our universe. While multiple (...)
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  9. The bodily root: seeing aspects and inner experience.Victor J. Krebs - 2010 - In William Day & Víctor J. Krebs (eds.), Seeing Wittgenstein Anew. Cambridge University Press.
  10. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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  11. Is there evidence for an afterlife?Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    D’Souza claims that near-death experiences (NDE) suggest that consciousness can outlive the breakdown of the body and cannot be explained as the product of dying brains. These experiences can be found in situations where a subject is not near death and have all the characteristics of hallucinations caused by oxygen deprivation. Despite thousands of cases, no one has every come back from an NDE with information that could not have been in their heads originally.
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    The comprehensible cosmos: where do the laws of physics come from?Victor J. Stenger - 2006 - Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
    What are the laws of physics? -- The stuff that kicks back -- Point-of-view invariance -- Gauging the laws of physics -- Forces and broken symmetries -- Playing dice -- After the bang -- Out of the void -- The comprehensible cosmos -- Models of reality.
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  13.  16
    Verifiable implementations of geometric algorithms using finite precision arithmetic.Victor J. Milenkovic - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 37 (1-3):377-401.
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    Mind, Soul, Language in Wittgenstein.Victor J. Krebs - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 32:48-53.
    I show that the latter Wittgenstein's treatment of language and the mind results in a conception of the human subject that goes against the exclusive emphasis on the cognitive that characterizes our modern conception of knowledge and the self. For Wittgenstein, our identification with the cognitive ego is tantamount to a blindness to our own nature — blindness that is entrenched in our present culture. The task of philosophy is thus transformed into a form of cultural therapy that seeks to (...)
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    The Principle of Stasis: Why drift is not a Zero-Cause Law.Victor J. Luque - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57:71-79.
    This paper analyses the structure of evolutionary theory as a quasi-Newtonian theory and the need to establish a Zero-Cause Law. Several authors have postulated that the special character of drift is because it is the default behaviour or Zero-Cause Law of evolutionary systems, where change and not stasis is the normal state of them. For these authors, drift would be a Zero-Cause Law, the default behaviour and therefore a constituent assumption impossible to change without changing the system. I defend that (...)
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  16.  16
    Godless Cosmology.Victor J. Stenger - 2009 - In Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk (eds.), 50 Voices of Disbelief. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 112–117.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Notes.
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  17. La cuestión del re-casamiento. Cavell, la filosofía y la alabanza.Victor J. Krebs - 2023 - In David Pérez Chico (ed.), Cuestiones de la filosofía del lenguaje ordinario. Zaragoza, España: Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza.
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  18.  51
    The subtle body of language and the lost sense of philosophy.Victor J. Krebs - 2000 - Philosophical Investigations 23 (2):147–155.
  19.  10
    Virtual Body. Vicissitudes of the Digital', 'Cuerpo virtual. Avatares de la digitalidad.Víctor J. Krebs - unknown
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    Athletes’ Psychological Adaptation to Confinement Due to COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study.Víctor J. Rubio, Iván Sánchez-Iglesias, Marta Bueno & Gema Martin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Studies of individuals under conditions of confinement or severe social and physical restrictions have consistently shown deleterious mental health effects but also high levels of adaptability when dealing with such conditions. Considering the role of physical activity and sport in psychological adaptation, this paper describes a longitudinal study to explore to what extent the imposed restrictions due to the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 may have affected athletes’ mental health outcomes and how far the process of adaptation to confinement conditions is differentially (...)
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  21.  23
    Relative Space.Victor J. Blum - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (3):61-62.
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  22. The battle against God.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    In 2004, Sam Harris published The End of Faith: Religion, Terror, and the Future of Reason which became a major bestseller. This marked the first of a series of series of bestsellers that took a harder line against religion than has been the custom among secularists: Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris (2006), The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins (2006), Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett (2006), God: The Failed Hypothesis. How Science (...)
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  23.  25
    Special Issue on History and Philosophy of Mathematics in Mathematics Education.Victor J. Katz, Uffe Thomas Jankvist, Michael N. Fried & Stuart Rowlands - 2014 - Science & Education 23 (1):1-6.
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  24. Is carbon production in stars fine-tuned for life?Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    For years theists have claimed that the constants of physics had to be finely tuned by God to the values that have for life in the universe to be possible. In my column of June, 2009 I showed that many of these claims are based on an improper analysis of the data. Even some of the competent scientists who write on this subject commit the fallacy of holding all the parameters constant and varying just one. When you allow all to (...)
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  25.  11
    The Study of Speech Processes: Addressing the Writing Bias in Language Science.Victor J. Boucher - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    There has been a longstanding bias in the study of spoken language towards using writing to analyse speech. This approach is problematic in that it assumes language to be derived from an autonomous mental capacity to assemble words into sentences, while failing to acknowledge culture-specific ideas linked to writing. Words and sentences are writing constructs that hardly capture the sound-making actions involved in spoken language. This book brings to light research that has long revealed structures present in all languages but (...)
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    The Structural Effects of Modality on the Rise of Symbolic Language: A Rebuttal of Evolutionary Accounts and a Laboratory Demonstration.Victor J. Boucher, Annie C. Gilbert & Antonin Rossier-Bisaillon - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:305809.
    Why does symbolic communication in humans develop primarily in an oral medium, and how do theories of language origin explain this? Non-human primates, despite their ability to learn and use symbolic signs, do not develop symbols as in oral language. This partly owes to the lack of a direct cortico-motoneuron control of vocalizations in these species compared to humans. Yet such modality-related factors that can impinge on the rise of symbolic language are interpreted differently in two types of evolutionary storylines. (...)
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    Repeat and First Abortion Seekers: Single Women in Brisbane, Australia.Victor J. Callan - 1983 - Journal of Biosocial Science 15 (2):217-222.
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  28. University of colorado.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    Taking a Harder Line “The New Atheism” is the name that was attached, often pejoratively, to the series of six bestselling books by five authors that appeared in the period 2004-2008.[i] Since then many have joined the movement, with an upsurge in books, freethinker organizations, and an exponential expansion of the blogosphere spreading the word on atheism to thousands. The message of new atheism is that it is time to take a far less accommodating attitude toward religion, including moderate religion, (...)
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  29.  27
    Gramáticas espectrales. Entre Wittgenstein, Deleuze y Derrida.Victor J. Krebs - 2016 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 14:171-187.
    “Wittgenstein’s Ghosts. Between Deleuze and Derrida”. Both Derrida and Deleuze agree that with the advent of the moving image and the art of film, we need to articulate a new ontology or –in Wittgenstein’s terms–, a new grammar. Derrida suggests this much when he reflects on what he calls the return of ghosts, which he attributes to the advent of film and the communications media; Deleuze does the same in his studies of film, and in particular in what he calls (...)
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  30. Identity, Memory and Difference: Lyotard and 'the jews.Victor J. Seidler - 1998 - In Chris Rojek, Bryan S. Turner & Jean-François Lyotard (eds.), The politics of Jean-François Lyotard. New York: Routledge. pp. 102--127.
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    Using the history of calculus to teach calculus.Victor J. Katz - 1993 - Science & Education 2 (3):243-249.
  32.  7
    A Preliminary List of Churches and Other Institutions in the U.S. Bearing the Name of St. Thomas More.Victor J. LoPinto - 1976 - Moreana 13 (3):67-69.
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    The mirror of physics: on how the Price equation can unify evolutionary biology.Victor J. Luque & Lorenzo Baravalle - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):12439-12462.
    Due to its high degree of complexity and its historical nature, evolutionary biology has been traditionally portrayed as a messy science. According to the supporters of such a view, evolutionary biology would be unable to formulate laws and robust theories, instead just delivering coherent narratives and local models. In this article, our aim is to challenge this view by showing how the Price equation can work as the core of a general theoretical framework for evolutionary phenomena. To support this claim, (...)
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    The interaction of ability and amount of practice with stimulus and response meaningfulness (m, m') in paired-associate learning.Victor J. Cieutat, Fredric E. Stockwell & Clyde E. Noble - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (3):193.
  35.  5
    On purpose: lessons in life and health from the frog, the dung beetle, and Julia.Victor J. Strecher - 2013 - Ann Arbor, Michigan: Dung Beetle Press.
    part self-help guide, part college lecture, part confessional, part time travel adventure, On Purpose" uses a beautiful fantasy-filled graphic novel format to tell a story of self- discovery and personal growth that you'll never forget.
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    Propertius' Talking Horse.Victor J. Matthews - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):259-.
    All editors and translators of Propertius seem convinced that the Roman poet has endowed the horse Arion with the power of speech. I present a few sample translations of the two lines.
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  37.  55
    ESP and Cold Fusion Parallels in Pseudoscience.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    By the late nineteenth century, science was well established in the public mind as the primary method by which useful knowledge of the material universe is obtained. Surely, it was thought, if science can discover cathode rays and radio waves, then it should easily authenticate a phenomenon that is far more widely experienced: the supernatural power of the human mind. Non-physical, “psychic” energy appeared to be everywhere, as an integral part of human experience. Indeed, psychic forces are seemingly built into (...)
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  38.  21
    The moral limits of modernity: love, inequality, and oppression.Victor J. Seidler - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
  39.  16
    Relative Space.Victor J. Blum - 1933 - Modern Schoolman 10 (3):69-69.
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    The Premise Keepers.J. Stenger Victor - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (3):40.
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  41. Using the earth system for integrating the science curriculum.Victor J. Mayer - 1995 - Science Education 79 (4):375-391.
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  42. Natural Explanations for the Anthropic Coincidences.Victor J. Stenger - 2000 - Philo 3 (2):50-67.
    The anthropic coincidences are widely claimed to provide evidence for intelligent creation in the universe. However, neither data northeory support this conclusion. No basis exists for assuming that a random universe would not have some kind of life. Calculations of the properties of universes having different physical constants than ours indicate that long-lived stars are not unusual, and thus most universes should have time for complex systems of some type to evolve. A multi-universe scenario is not ruled out, since no (...)
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  43.  12
    Antimachus F r G. 106 wyss.Victor J. Matthews - 1982 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 126 (1-2):144-149.
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  44. Physics, Cosmology and the New Creationism.Victor J. Stenger - 2007 - In A. J. Petto & L. R. Godfrey (eds.), Scientists Confront Intelligent Design and Creationism. Norton. pp. 2.
  45. The Face of Chaos.Victor J. Stenger - 1992 - Free Inquiry 13:13.
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  46.  68
    Objectivity and meaning: Wittgenstein on following rules.Victor J. Krebs - 1986 - Philosophical Investigations 9 (July):177-186.
  47. The anthropic principle.Victor J. Stenger - 2007 - In T. Flynn (ed.), The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief. Prometheus.
  48. The unconscious quantum: metaphysics in modern physics and cosmology.Victor J. Stenger - 1995 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    In this fascinating and accessible book, physicist Victor J. Stenger guides the lay reader through the key developments of quantum mechanics and the debate over its apparent paradoxes. In the process, he critically appraises recent metaphysical fads. Dr. Stenger's knack for elucidating scientific ideas and controversies in language that the nonspecialist can comprehend opens up to the widest possible audience a wealth of information on the most important findings of contemporary physics.
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  49.  30
    Atheism and the physical sciences.Victor J. Stenger - 2013 - In Stephen Bullivant & Michael Ruse (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Atheism. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 432.
    While belief in gods was almost universal in the ancient world, Thales of Miletus introduced the notion that observed phenomena could be explained in natural terms without invoking imagined spirits. Leucippus and Democritus, and later Epicurus and Lucretius, proposed that everything was composed of particulate atoms in an otherwise empty void. Any gods that existed played no role in the human world. The universe was infinite, eternal, uncreated, and included many worlds besides our own. These ideas conflicted with the other (...)
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  50. The fallacy of fine tuning part.Victor J. Stenger - unknown
    The claim that certain fundamental constants of nature are fine tuned for life and that this provides strong evidence for supernatural design is perhaps the best scientific argument for the existence of God since Paley’s watch. Even atheist physicists find these so called “anthropic coincidences” difficult to explain and need to invoke the Weak Anthropic Principle and multiple universes to do so. Certainly if there are many universes, fine tuning is simple. Our form of life was fined tuned to our (...)
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